Help Document


    "Unable to log you on because your account has been locked out, please contact your administrator." is displayed.

    Please unlock the account.

    "Your account is blocked. You can't perform "Password Reset" / "Account Unlock". contact your administrator.""Unable to log you on because your account has been locked out, please contact your administrator." is displayed.

    Please wait for about 60 minutes or contact each contact.

    I didn't receive the verification code

    Please check the following.
    1.Is the e-mail from KIOXIA eUP SYSTEM included in spam?
    2.Are external or unfamiliar addresses blocked by the user's company email reception settings?
    3.If someone from the same company uses the same system, is that person able to receive an authorization code?
    4.Has the user creation of the system to be used been completed?

    Unable to login to KIOXIA eUP SYSTEM

    If you cannot log in, your password may have expired, your password may be incorrect, or your account may be locked.
    If your password has expired or you have forgotten your password, please reset your password, and if your account is locked, please unlock your account.
    If your account is blocked or you forgot your login ID, please contact each contact.

    I can't log in to each application

    You cannot log in unless you change the password issued when you created the user.
    If you have not changed your password, please change it.If you forget your password, please reset your password.
    If your account is blocked or you forgot your login ID, please contact each contact.

    I want to create an ID to log in to the application provided by KIOXIA

    There is no ability to create an account with KIOXIA eUP SYSTEM.If you want to create an account, please contact each contact.

    I would like to know the expiration date of my password.

    Password expiration date is 183 days.

    I would like to know when the password update notification will be sent.

    Password renewal notifications will be sent at the following times before the password expires.
    ・30 days before
    ・14 days before
    ・ 7 days before
    ・ 1day before
    ・ 0 day (on the day)

    What should I do if my password expires?

    If you have not changed your password by the deadline, please perform a password reset.